What is a MAST Permit? A dark beer on a rustic old bartop.

MAST 허가증이란 무엇입니까?

The MAST permit, or Mandatory Alcohol Server Permit, is a required document for anyone who serves, mixes, sells, or supervises the sale of alcohol in Washington State.

You are legally required to have a MAST permit if you work for an establishment that serves alcohol. Working without a permit and valid ID could not only expose you and the establishment to potential legal ramifications.

Table of Contents

What is the purpose of Mandatory Alcohol Server Training?

The purpose of Mandatory Alcohol Server Training is to educate and train alcohol servers on the impacts of alcohol on their customers and improve the health and safety of the community.

This is explained by the WSLCB as the:

"Education of alcohol servers on issues such as the physiological effects of alcohol on consumers, liability and legal implications of serving alcohol, driving while intoxicated, and methods of intervention with the problem customer are important in protecting the health and safety of the public. The legislature further finds that it is in the best interest of the citizens of the state of Washington to have an alcohol server education program."

MAST 허가증은 어떻게 받습니까?

If you were just hired, you are required to obtain Mandatory Alcohol Server Training within 60 days of your hire date. In order to obtain the permit, you must complete the Mandatory Alcohol Server Training, either from an online provider or from an in-person provider.

You can take ServeSmart’s state-certified course, or you can find a class on the Washington State Liquor & Cannabis Board website.

For a step-by-step guide on how to get certified, check out our article: “How to Get a MAST Permit in 4 Easy Steps“.

How much is a Washington MAST Permit?

A Washington MAST Permit is typically less than $20 per course.

Some courses cost as high as $40 and others as low as $10. The difference comes down to the quality and reputation of the provider. But, all of these courses are certified by the state and satisfy the WSLCB requirements. Some states charge extra fees through their website to obtain the certification. In Washington State, however, there are no extra fees collected by the state.

For bulk purchases for larger companies or groups, some providers offer tiered discounts. If you need a quote, reach out directly to a provider of your choice to inquire about rates.

How long does it take to do the MAST training?

MAST training takes a minimum of 3 hours to complete.

The WSLCB requires course providers to ensure their classes are a minimum of 3 hours. Some courses may take longer, depending on the activities they offer and the volume of content they cover.

Most courses allow the student to sign in and out as they need to, without losing their progress. This allows you to take the course at your own pace and complete the training at your leisure.

What is covered in the Mandatory Alcohol Server Training?​

Mandatory Alcohol Server Training typically covers 6 main topics, including:

  1. Module One: Mandatory Alcohol Server Training
  2. Module Two: Alcohol and its Effects on the Body
  3. Module Three: Minors and Checking ID
  4. Module Four: Apparently Intoxicated Person (AIP)
  5. Module Five: Liability
  6. Module Six: Rules Related to Alcohol Laws and MAST

The material covered in the Mandatory Alcohol Server Training will not only lessen the legal liability to you and your employer, but it also helps you keep your community safe by responsibly serving your customers and preventing them from becoming a danger to themselves or others.

Most courses contain educational videos, interactive quizzes, and items like a workbook that you can refer back to if needed.

What is the difference between Class 12 and Class 13 MAST Permit?

There are two different types of permits, a Class 12 permit, and a Class 13 permit. A Class 13 permit is for anyone 18 to 20 years of age and a Class 12 permit is for anyone 21 years of age and older.

The difference in what each permit holder is allowed to do is explained below.

클래스 13 MAST 허가란 무엇입니까?

Class 13 MAST Permit.

The Class 13 permit is for alcohol servers at least 18 and under the age of 21 who have completed the Mandatory Alcohol Server Training.

A Class 13 permit is required for any person who:
  • Takes orders for alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption;
  • Delivers alcoholic beverages to customers for on-premises consumption; or
  • Opens or pours beer or wine into a customer’s glass at a customer’s table.

클래스 12 MAST 허가란 무엇입니까?

클래스 12 MAST 허가증

The Class 12 permit is for alcohol servers at least 21 years of age who have completed Mandatory Alcohol Server Training.

A Class 12 permit is required for any person who:

  • Manages a retail licensed premise licensed to sell alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption;
  • Sells, mixes, or draws from a dispensing device alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption; or
  • Supervises a Class 13 permit holder.
  • A Class 12 permit includes all authorities granted under a Class 13 permit.

MAST 허가없이 일할 수 있습니까?

No, if you are selling or serving alcohol, you cannot work without server training.

Working without a permit beyond the 60-day grace period is against the law. You must keep a valid ID and a permit on you while you are working, selling, or serving alcohol.

Failing to have your permit and a valid ID with you while serving alcohol puts you and your employer at risk of legal action. Anyone violating this law may receive a criminal citation with a maximum $500 monetary penalty or up to 90 days in jail or both the fine and imprisonment.

If you’re serving alcohol at an alcohol-tasting event (i.e. wine tasting or spirits tasting) this grace period DOES NOT APPLY. You must have your Class 12 permit before the event and have it on you while conducting the tasting.


WSLCB’s Retail Enforcement Officers enforce Washington’s liquor laws and conduct compliance checks to either respond to complaints or check to see if the establishment and its employees are following the law. The Retail Enforcement Officers have undercover officers who will come unannounced to observe the establishment and ensure compliance with state law.

To avoid any negative encounters with Retail Enforcement Officers, have a valid permit and ID on you while working.

Who issues the MAST Permit?

The MAST Permit is issued by the course provider you took your training through, not WSLCB.

Your course provider is required to submit your information and status of completion to WSLCB as well as mail the permit to you within 30 days of you completing the course. If you do not receive your permit within 30 days, reach out to your provider or contact the WSLCB.

At the end of the course, you will receive a certificate of completion (not to be confused with the permit). You can use this certificate as proof to your employer that you have completed the MAST training.

The course certificate is not a temporary permit, do not use it in place of the MAST permit.

MAST 허가증은 얼마 동안 유효하나요?

MAST permits are valid for 5 years from the completion date of your test. The expiration date is the 1st of the month following the month of the date you took your test. For example: if you completed the course on 10.15.2019, your expiration date would be 11.1.2024.

If your permit expiration date is approaching, you should renew your permit 45 days before the permit expires. Serving alcohol with an expired license is against the law.

21세가 된 경우 클래스 13 허가를 클래스 12 허가증으로 업그레이드해야 합니다. 이렇게 하려면 허가를 받은 제공업체에 연락하여 클래스 12 허가를 요청하십시오.

MAST 허가증은 어떻게 갱신하나요?

Since it is against the law to server alcohol without a permit, it is important to take steps to renew your permit before it expires. To renew your permit, you must retake the Mandatory Alcohol Server Training from any third-party provider. You can check the status of your permit by using the Permit Checker on the WSLCB website.

The WSLCB keeps a record of all of the permits for five years. For a MAST Permit renewal, it is recommended that you renew your permit at least 45 days before the expiration date.

자주 묻는 질문:

Training typically costs less than $20.

Yes, if you sell or serve alcohol in Washington, you are legally required to have a valid MAST Permit.

The Class 13 Permit is for anyone 18 to 20 years old and the Class 12 MAST Permit is for anyone who is 21 or older.

You renew your permit by retaking the training through an approved course provider.

The permit is issued by the course provider you took your training through.


A MAST Permit is a required document for anyone who sells/serves alcohol and anyone who manages employees who sell/serve alcohol. There are two types of permits, a Class 13 for anyone between the ages of 18 and 20 and a Class 12 for anyone who is 21 and older.

The Mandatory Alcohol Server Training Program was created by the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board (WSLCB) to train and educate alcohol servers to better ensure the safety of the community through responsible beverage-serving practices. The WSLCB offers the course through an assortment of approved third-party course providers.

The permit is good for 5 years and is only renewed by retaking the training through an approved MAST training provider. If for any reason you need a replacement permit, reach out to your provider directly and they will send the replacement permit to you.

ServeSmart provides the Mandatory Alcohol Server Training you need to get the skills and knowledge to be certified in Washington State. We offer 100% online training so you can take the course at your own pace!

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Picture of Michelle Smeback
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